We all do it on average 20,000 times a day - but are we doing it properly?
While most of us never give breathing a second thought, the way you draw breath can affect your physical and mental wellbeing.
Breathing properly can reduce your stress levels, improve your workouts and boost your immunity to infections and illnesses. Poor breathing can lead to panic attacks and even conditions like insomnia and depression.
Read our guide below to why breathing properly is so important.
And click on the links at the bottom of the page for two specific breathing techniques that can boost your health, discover if breathing correctly can help you lose weight and follow our specially designed 'breath workout' for femail readers.
correctly means that our bodies are being supplied with the right
amount of oxygen, replenishing our brain and other vital organs with
essential nutrients.
If you are not breathing correctly, your body can be robbed of oxygen, leading to a host of conditions.
Your skin can suffer as it is not receiving enough fresh oxygenated blood, your muscles can tire easily during a workout as they are not getting the right amount of oxygen and you can feel constantly tired and lethargic because there are not enough vital nutrients being carried in the blood.
While most of us never give breathing a second thought, the way you draw breath can affect your physical and mental wellbeing.
Breathing properly can reduce your stress levels, improve your workouts and boost your immunity to infections and illnesses. Poor breathing can lead to panic attacks and even conditions like insomnia and depression.
Read our guide below to why breathing properly is so important.
And click on the links at the bottom of the page for two specific breathing techniques that can boost your health, discover if breathing correctly can help you lose weight and follow our specially designed 'breath workout' for femail readers.
Why is breathing properly important?
If you are not breathing correctly, your body can be robbed of oxygen, leading to a host of conditions.
Your skin can suffer as it is not receiving enough fresh oxygenated blood, your muscles can tire easily during a workout as they are not getting the right amount of oxygen and you can feel constantly tired and lethargic because there are not enough vital nutrients being carried in the blood.